
大的一本是硬面精裝、Frank Warren的
PostSecret: extraordinary confessions from ordinary lives,它收集了由一個community art project發展成為一個美國舉國注目的art project的作品。由於這project可以是永遠on-going的,所以
2005年五十個最酷網站之一。翻著這本書,你會驚覺普通人其實也可以是極具創造力的同時,也會為這一代人們極其須要精神和心靈上的牧養而深感沉重!從來秘密就只屬於個人的,是孤單的;而這些秘密都往往是一些不為人知或明白的創傷。這個art project卻設立了一個分享秘密的平台,叫分享的和閱讀的都明白自己原來並不孤單,從而得著鼓勵,也確實值得深思!
Malcolm Gladwell的
Blink: The power of thinking without thinking。我們都被教育如何用理性和邏輯來思考和做決定,但Gladwell卻告訴我們瞬間用直覺所作的決定,其實可以是同樣有效和可信,並且這種馮直覺和第一印象的思考方法,並不是甚麼天才方可擁有,乃是可以分辨、訓練和控制的!雖然那些自稱理性或偏向理性的人(包括我)有大套理由認為自己的思想或論點如何合理,但其實那只是一個宣稱而矣,我們無可避免地在生活的大大小小事情上,都會用上直覺(如果並非不假思索的話)作選擇,並且多少時候這種決定和看法比我們仔細思量所得的還準確!告訴你,這是我從太太身上得悉的...
Feedbacks being a teacher
The semester has come to an end. Here're some feedback emails I received recently from the students in my Typography class -- these are not for showing-off, but some encouragement for me to maintain the passion to teach:
"thx for your comments and teaching^^""Thank you for you comments, I will improve my work with your comment. Thank you so much!!!!!""It is so surprise to receive your comments! Thank you very much as they are very detail and it is useful for my future improvement~!!! (It is obvious that you had put a lot of effort to prepare each lesson for us!!!) It is my pleasure to learn fr om you~~~ thank you >u<*""Thank you for your comments and I think I really learnt something in design field in your lessons.""Thanks you for your lessons, i enjoy it very much. In your lesson i gain many knowledge and concept about typographic. I think this is well starting point to develop my typographic skill.""Thank you very much for your email about detail comments on individual projects. I am deeply appreciate with them as they are useful for my design and development. Thank you!""I just wanted to say thank you so much for a great course, I've really learned a lot. I really appreciate all the care and work you put into preparing your lessons for us. Do you teach any other courses on the BA?"This last student submitted his final project which he worked with another student in my subject to a public art competition, and to my surprise, they won! Congratulations!