
What is culture?

Culture is an integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief and behaviour. Its formation is based on the community's capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations, and results in a set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices within that community.

I am part of Culture. Culture is part of me.
Culture is moulding me. I am moulding Culture.

At the very beginning, there was no Culture. Man gave birth to Culture. People came together. People communicated with one another. People compromised and established something common among them. Culture was born.

In return, Culture brings people together. Culture defines the way people communicate. Culture defines what is common among people. More people are born under the Culture.

Culture is much more powerful than we think.
Culture brings people together, but also separates people altogether.
Are we in control, or is Culture in control?


At 14/2/07 10:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are in control, don't let the structuralists grind you down. Carry the burden of freedom gladly.

At 15/2/07 11:17 am, Blogger ablogaday said...

I would say Culture and us are having an interactive relationship. I wouldn't over-estimate you and me as an individual who can counter or supersede the cultural trends running onto us. The point is as long as we're aware of that, I try not to be submerged into it but stay awake.


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