
What is education?

Education is the art, the action and process of changing people's minds and ultimately people's behaviour.

The kindergarten teacher educates:
She teaches kids the ABCs (minds) so they speak (behave) what is considered correct. She teaches them the hows (minds) so they behave what is considered correct.

The kindergarten kids educate:
Instead of rationalising everything, they only do what is enjoyable to them. Now the teacher sees (mind) that things to be taught has to be attractive and enjoyable. Now the teacher teaches (behave) creatively.

The university professor educates:
He does not tell his students what is correct (minds) so they have to find (behave) it by themselves. The students struggle, experience, criticise, testify, and so believe (minds) what they have found is correct and act (behave) accordingly.

The university students educate:
Instead of doing what is only attractive and enjoyable, they are asked to criticise what is considered correct, even it is from their professors and considered "sacred". Now the professor sees that everything he considered correct are being challenged. Now the professor struggles, experiences, criticises, testifies, and so renewed his beliefs (mind) and acts (behave) accordingly.


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