Signs in Hong Kong
拙作在香港設計師協會新一期Xpress刊出了!今期的主題是「設計與社會意識(design and socialness)」,我寫的一篇命題是《Signs in Hong Kong: A cultural analysis on the "socialness" of design》(中譯《「標誌」著香港:「社會性」設計的文化分析》),文章略為學術性,雖然已經是中英對照,未知是否適合本港「看圖不識字」的新一代設計師... 但版面設計就略嫌太難讀了!
What is culture?
Culture is an integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief and behaviour. Its formation is based on the community's capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations, and results in a set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices within that community.
I am part of Culture. Culture is part of me.
Culture is moulding me. I am moulding Culture.
At the very beginning, there was no Culture. Man gave birth to Culture. People came together. People communicated with one another. People compromised and established something common among them. Culture was born.
In return, Culture brings people together. Culture defines the way people communicate. Culture defines what is common among people. More people are born under the Culture.
Culture is much more powerful than we think.
Culture brings people together, but also separates people altogether.
Are we in control, or is Culture in control?

Yes, you can say this is one of my most honored days in my life -- my graduation as a Master of Arts in Design. Adding to that, I'm the only one in my class who graduated with distinction!
My wife and my parents shared my honor and this photo was taken by my wife from her seat. The second one from the left is me, with the other 3 representatives from the 4 MA classes from the Faculty of Communication. Many thanks to my family and friends for all your supports and encouragements.